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Cable TV at NCP cancelled; Options being explored

As a long-term cost-saving measure, the HOA Board of Directors elected to cancel the TDS TV subscription that we have had for several years at the NCP.  Balancing the cost of the package (over $100 per month for the 3 boxes) versus the very limited use of the TVs, the Board believes that other options (such as Sling or HULU) may be more cost-effective and potentially permit the HOA to use some of the savings toward replacing one or more of the TV’s.  For now, we have added a digital TV antenna to the TV in the main room.  Some over-the-air networks come in very well, for others you may need to adjust the antenna a bit–placing it on a chair closer to the windows sometimes helps for some stations.

Persons using the NCP are also free to bring their personal streaming device.  (There is an HDMI cable already connected to the back of the TV in the main room and the free end of the cable should be able connect to most streaming devices.)

If you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding the TV service at the NCP, please contact the HOA Board of Directors.